Coating inspection regimes require data to be collected on many of the parameters of the coating process: surface profile, surface cleanliness, climatic conditions, film thickness and adhesion. All of these inspections generate a large amount of data.
Elcometer has designed a series of data management software packages that will link directly with th data collection devices (gauges) and instantly produce professional reports, offering full traceability of the inspection proving compliance to the relevant standard being followed.
Our free software package, ElcoMaster® is the most flexible data management software on the market. ElcoMaster® is designed to meet the demanding needs of the quality inspector while offering the ultimate flexibility for managing data into ‘projects’ for ease of use.
Producing professional reports is easily achieved using the standard report templates within the software package or by using the customization options to produce customer specific reports.
Making full use of data transfer technology – Bluetooth® and Cloud applications, Elcometer provides fast and efficient means of transferring and sharing data and allows fully comprehension project reports to be generated.
Any document (even hand written notes) can be scanned, converted to .pdf and then stored in a project file within ElcoMaster®.
For those users wanting to transfer data into other software applications ElcoMaster® can be configured to export data directly, there is no need to use the data management aspect of the software.
As with our gauges this software is dynamic in that Elcometer is always adding new features as our customers require them.
Updates to the ElcoMaster® software are freely available and it is also possible to upgrade our inspection gauges when they are connected to ElcoMaster®.
ElcoMaster® is the complete solution.
What ElcoMaster® can do:
- Import and combine measurements via Bluetooth® or USB from a full range of Elcometer gauges, including:
- No need to learn different software for different gauges, all Elcometer products use the same expert platform
- Store data in a simple file tree, by project and by inspection type
- Easy on screen analysis with histograms, statistics, measurements, limits, notes, diagrams and photographs
- Export data direct to Microsoft Excel. Csv. Txt. Cqatk formats etc to save time and prevent keying in errors.
- Generates reports instantly using standard or pre-designed templates in seconds. No need for data manipulation. Simply connect the gauge, download data and drag and drop.
- Combine multiple inspection parameters (such as DFT, profile, climate, adhesion and gloss) together with images, notes and other project specific information in bespoke quality reports to set you apart from the competition.
- In many industries, multiple sites/locations/production lines are used to fabricate the product components which are brought together at the final assembly line. Different inspection parameters all need to be combined to approve the final product. Using Cloud technology ElcoMaster® gives you real time quality control monitoring inspection projects in any location.