Product Description
Designed to work with any of our Top Ferrous or Top Dual FNF Elcometer 456 Separate Gauges.
Featuring a highly durable 'snap on' replaceable probe cap, the Elcometer 456 Ultra/Scan Probe allows users to take individual readings or rapidly scan large surface areas - without damaging the probe or the coating.
With a reading rate in excess of 140 readings per minute the Auto Repeat Mode can significantly speed up the inspection of large coated areas.
When the Ultra/Scan Probe is connected to the Elcometer 456 Model T with Auto Repeat Mode selected, SSPC PA2 (or similar test methods) can be completed more than 40% faster.
- Range: 0-60 mils (0-1500µm)
- Accuracy: ±1-3% or ±0.1 mil (±2.5µm)
- Resolution: 0-60 mils (1µm: 0-1500µm
- Minimum headroom: 85mm (3.50")
- Minimum sample diameter: 5mm (0.59")

| Scan Mode When the Scan Mode* is selected users can slide the Ultra/Scan probe over the entire surface area. As the probe is lifted off the surface the gauge displays the average coating thickness value, the highest thickness and the lowest thickness values. Each set of three readings (average, high and low) can be displayed on the run graph and stored into the memory. During each scan the Elcometer 456 displays the live thickness reading together with an analogue bar graph which graphically indicates the thickness relative to both the nominal thickness and any user-defined limits. |
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| Scan Mode* stores the average, highest and lowest readings over a test area | During a scan the live reading together with an analogue bar graph is displayed | The Run Chart displays the average thickness as well as the highest and lowest readings for each scan |
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 | Auto Repeat Mode When the Ultra/Scan Probe is slid over the coated surface in Auto Repeat Mode*, a reading is taken approximately every half a second. Each individual reading is stored into the memory. With a reading rate in excess of 140 readings per minute the Auto Repeat Mode can significantly speed up the inspection of large coated areas. |
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| Auto Repeat Mode* measures and stores into memory over 140 individual readings per minute | The gauge updates and displays the statistical values as each individual reading is taken | The Run Chart displays each individual reading allowing the user to identify any significant trends |
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The Ultra/Scan Probe with replaceable end caps for increased durability | Ultra/Scan Probe Featuring a highly durable ‘snap on’ replaceable probe cap, the Elcometer 456 Ultra/Scan Probe is a revolutionary design which allows users to take individual readings or rapidly scan large surface areas - without damaging the probe or the coating. When used in conjunction with the Elcometer 456 Scan or Auto Repeat Modes* the Ultra/Scan Probe enables users to significantly reduce inspection times without affecting accuracy. The Ultra/Scan Probe uses the Elcometer 456’s patented offset feature+, ensuring that any cap wear during use# is incorporated within the calibration process. The gauge even informs the user when to replace the cap. |
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Counted Average and Fixed Batch Sizes can be used with all Elcometer 456 probes | Counted Average Mode The Elcometer 456 Model S and Model T are supplied with the Counted Average Mode. Once the user has defined the number of individual gauge readings to be taken within a spot measurement, the gauge stores the average of the individual gauge readings into the memory. Fixed Batch Sizes The Fixed Batch Size feature within the Elcometer 456 Model T allows users to define the maximum number of readings in each batch. Once the maximum number of readings has been reached the gauge automatically opens up a new batch which is linked to the previous batch (name-1, name-2, etc.). |
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Working with Standards and Test Methods |
International Standards and test methods often describe the number of individual gauge readings to be taken in a spot measurement and/or the number of spot measurements required over a defined surface area. SSPC PA2 requires a minimum of three gauge readings to be taken per spot measurement and five spot measurements over 10m2 (~100ft2).
The Elcometer 456 Model S or Model T can be set with a counted average of three and a fixed batch size of five to meet these requirements. Each batch defines an area of measurement.
When the Ultra/Scan Probe is connected to the Elcometer 456 Model T with Auto Repeat Mode selected, SSPC PA2 (or similar test methods) can be completed more than 40% faster.
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